Unfortunately public agencies are increasingly under political influence these days and EASA is no exception.
This web site is 100% anti political but strictly aeronautical, however this time we have to report important issues affecting the aviation community.
Following the flaring up of the armed conflict in Ukraine, EU took profound actions that affect certification of aeronautics products, operations and even ownership issues.
Below is a list of suspension of EASA Certificates of Russian:
Part 21 Design Organisations
Part 21 Production Organisations
Aircraft and engine type certificates (among the Beriev firefighting aircraft, Kamov Ka-32 helicopter and Tu-204)
Part 145 Maintenance Organisation approvals
Part TCO Third Country Operator Organisations
Flight Simulation Training devices
European Technical standard Order (ETSO) certified parts
This essentially prohibits all commercial airlines to operate, maintain, train, modify aircraft under EASA authorisation.
Any EU (or EASA following) entity is prohibited of operating equipment certified in Russia, previously validated and approved by EASA.
Implication, among others, is that Russian operators, operation EU registered aircraft are unable to legally operate, fly or maintain that equipment.
In theory these assets, when located in Russian territory, will have to be written off or repossessed somehow.
Suspension of TCO approvals imply that no Russian operator can operate into EASA countries anymore; these include large operators like;
Volga Dnjepr
Airbridge Cargo
and others.
The document does not tell whether this is a retroactive measure, i.e. when a EASA certified aircraft has been equipped with Russian ETSO parts or has a modification embodied certified by a Russian Part 21 design organisation or managed by a Russian CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation)
This is in addition to Bermuda Civil Aviation Authorities who issued a blanket suspension all Airworthiness Certificates of all Bermuda registered aircraft operating in the Russian Federation.
Of all leased large commercial Aircraft operating with Russian operators, the vast majority is Bermudan, and to a lesser extent Irish registered.
Nobody knows what will happen with these aircraft but the outlook is grim, given the inaccessibility of the assets in Russia. Commercial agreements for friendly repossessions will be extremely politically sensitive and difficult to achieve, especially if compensation has to be involved.
Below a list of revoked EASA certificates and the letter of revocation from BCAA